PELLPAL SLIM pellet boiler with a power of 8 kW LCD touch controller - 5 EcoDesign class

It is worth preparing for cold days by choosing efficient and ecological solutions. The presented 8 kW SLIM pellet boiler with the PELLPAL PID controller, color LCD, will take care of every home interior not exceeding 100 m2. The device can also handle heating water according to the needs of users. The tank can burn biofuel - wood pellets from natural resources with a diameter of up to 8 mm. The efficiency of the 8 kW SLIM boiler reaches over 90%. This has been confirmed by tests, in which the pellet-fired device obtained the 5th class in accordance with the EN 303-5 standard.

  • Add feedback:
  • Code: 14535
  • Manufacturer: PELLPAL
  • Manufacturer's code: 5902429315442
  • Weight: 205 kg
  • Net Price: €2,221.23 €2,732.11
  • pcs.
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It is worth preparing for cold days by choosing efficient and ecological solutions. The presented 8 kW SLIM pellet boiler with the PELLPAL PID controller, color LCD, will take care of every home interior not exceeding 100 m2. The device can also handle heating water according to the needs of users. The tank can burn biofuel - wood pellets from natural resources with a diameter of up to 8 mm. The efficiency of the 8 kW SLIM boiler reaches over 90%. This has been confirmed by tests, in which the pellet-fired device obtained the 5th class in accordance with the EN 303-5 standard.

In addition, the heating boiler meets the strict ecodesign standards of EcoDesign - its energy class is A+, so energy efficiency with low energy consumption is at a very high level. It is necessary to mention not only the power offered, but also the low emission of PM below 20 mg/m3, which can be significant when applying for subsidies for the replacement of an old heating device.

The 8 kW SLIM boiler owes its efficiency in biofuel combustion to modernly designed QPELL burners, a blower fan and a microprocessor boiler controller. It is the PellPal PID controller with a color LCD touch screen that is responsible for the operation of the blower, the combustion process, and thus for supplying the required dose of fuel to the burner. The controller with a touch LCD display will be an excellent choice for householders who value appearance and legibility. The navigation menu in Polish facilitates the use of the device and the operation of the boiler.

The 8 kW SLIM boiler for pellets can operate in an open and closed system. For this purpose, the system should be equipped with the necessary accessories by assembling an external coil, an expansion vessel and a SYR 5067 and DBV2 thermal protection valve. The selection of elements for the SLIM boiler will depend on the selected security technique. Therefore, if household owners care about ecology, high thermal efficiency and lower power consumption, the PELLPAL 8 kW SLIM boiler will be perfect.

Construction of the PELLPAL SLIM boiler for pellets with a power of 8 kW

The boiler body and outer jackets are made of certified boiler sheet P265GH with a thickness of 5 mm. Individual elements of the boiler are laser cut, which ensures maximum accuracy and 100% repeatability of individual elements that make up a given heating device.

The structure is based on an exchanger with horizontal convection channels located in the upper part of the furnace chamber. The fuel tank is located above the boiler body. Placing the fuel tank above the boiler body also allowed to obtain a small width of the heating set, which can be used in small rooms. The capacity of the pellet tank in the 8 kW PellPal SLIM boiler is 45 kg, the volume of the tank is 61 liters.

The boiler is equipped with tightly closed doors that enable boiler maintenance, cleaning of convection channels and combustion chamber. In the lower door of the body there is a modern QPELL pellet burner. The fuel is supplied to the burner by a screw conveyor and poured down through a spiro pipe. The use of a spiro pipe protects the fuel tank against fire entering it. The chimney outlet (flue) is located at the back of the boiler, at the top at an angle of 45 degrees and directed upwards.

Connection pipes for connecting the boiler to the heating system are located on the top of the boiler and in its rear part. Before connecting the boiler to the system, place it on a stable surface and level it using the feet provided with the heating device.

The boiler operation is controlled by a PELLPAL PID microprocessor boiler controller with a color display. The device is very easy to use thanks to the touch panel with intuitive color icons and menu in Polish. The controller has initial settings adapted to the set heating power of a specific boiler, selected in such a way that the process of firing up and then burning and heating water in the central heating system runs efficiently and economically. The controller has the function of automatic ignition of pellets in the burner using the igniter located in the combustion chamber.


PELLP boiler equipmentAL SLIM with a power of 8 kW:
boiler body with insulation
pellet tank located above the boiler body
microprocessor controller PELLPAL PID color LCD
pellet burner with automatic igniter
fuel feeder, pellets
The documentation included with the boiler includes:
manual for the operation and installation of the PELLPAL boiler for pellets
PELLPAL PID color LCD controller manual
boiler test certificate - an integral part of the boiler manual
boiler test certificate - as above
boiler declaration of conformity - as above
boiler product card - as above
ecodesign requirements sheet - as above
boiler rating plate - placed on the heating device
boiler energy label - as above

An exemplary scheme of connecting the boiler to the central heating system and hot water with protection in an open system according to PN-91/B-02413


Description of the elements of the open circuit diagram

  • RP – overflow pipe
  • RO - vent pipe
  • RS – signaling pipe
  • RW – expansion pipe
  • RB - safety pipe
  • NW - open expansion vessel
  • H >= 0.3 m - installation with a circulation pump at the supply
  • H >= 0.7 m - installation with a circulation pump on the return


Boiler protection scheme in a closed system with an external cooling coil (cooling vessel)


Description of the elements of the closed system diagram with an external coil

  • NS – cooling vessel
  • ZB – safety valve
  • RZ – pipe with cold water inlet
  • RO - water outflow pipe
  • ZT - thermostatic valve
  • M + O + ZB - security group
  • M - manometer
  • O - air vent
  • ZB – safety valve


Diagram and description of the installation of equipment for protection in a closed system with a thermal protection valve type SYR 5067


Description of the elements of the closed system diagram with the SYR 5067 valve

  • RZ – pipe with cold water inlet
  • RO - water outflow pipe
  • NP – expansion vessel
  • ZZT - thermal safety valve SYR 5067
  • CT – SYR 5067 valve temperature sensor
  • ZB – safety valve
  • M + O + ZB - security group
  • M - manometer
  • O - air vent


Diagram and description of the installation of equipment for protection in a closed system with a DBV 2 type thermostatic safety valve


Description of the elements of the closed system diagram with the DBV 2 valve

  • RZ – pipe with cold water inlet
  • RO - water outflow pipe
  • NP – expansion vessel
  • ZB – safety valve
  • ZZT - thermal safety valve DBV 2
  • M + O + ZB - security group
  • M - manometer
  • O - air vent


Dimensional drawing of the PELLPAL SLIM 8 kW pellet boiler

Dimensions of the PELLPAL SLIM pellet boiler with a power of 8 kW:

  • boiler body width (B1): 400 mm
  • boiler body base width (B): 470 mm
  • boiler body depth (L): 451 mm
  • boiler depth with burner (L1): 826 mm
  • boiler body height (H2): 934 mm
  • height to the bottom edge of the flue (H1): 844 mm
  • height of the boiler set with the tank (H): 1360 mm
  • flue diameter: 127 mm
  • installation water connectors: DN 25, 1 inch

Dimensions of the pellet tank (mounted on the body):

  • width: 420mm
  • depth: 684mm
  • sheet thickness: body 0.8 mm

The warranty for the boiler is 60 months and counts from the date of issue and purchase of the boiler. The warranty for the boiler is provided provided that all the requirements specified in the instruction manual are met (see attachments).

Attention! Failure to read and comply with the requirements specified in the operating manual by the user, attempt to repair it on their own, interfere with the construction of the boiler and accessories, and for other reasons not attributable to the manufacturer, results in the loss of the warranty.

The warranty also covers the accessories mounted to the boiler (fan, controller), but for the period and under the conditions specified in the warranty card of the manufacturer of these accessories.

The warranty does not cover:

mechanical damage caused during transport, assembly and operation of the boiler
consumable parts during boiler operation (seal cord, seals, turbulators, hinges, screws, nuts, worm safety pin, handles and catches, ceramic elements, flame deflector, paint coatings). The warranty also does not cover the act of replacing them
events described in "Causes of disturbances and malfunctions in boiler operation"
no confirmation of the boiler installation and protection according to PN-91/B-02413 or PN-EN 12828:2003
the actions to be performed by the user specified in the user manual
corrosion, pitting and loss of boiler material caused by improper operation of the boiler (maintaining the minimum return temperature in the boiler - temperature protection)
damages and their effects caused by the failure to use flues that are inconsistent with the requirements taking into account the likelihood of flue gas condensation and resistant to harmful chemical compounds, including acids.
damage as a result of exceeding the maximum values of temperature and pressure in the boiler

Parametry techniczne kotła PELLPAL SLIM moc 8 kW

Linia kotłów: PELLPAL
Stosowany opał: pellet
Znamionowa moc cieplna [kW]: 8
Minimalna moc cieplna [kW]: 2,3
Klasa kotła: 5, EcoDesign
Klasa energetyczna: A+
Emisja pyłów PM [mg/m3]: 18,52
Umieszczony na liście ZUM: TAK
Dofinansowanie: Kocioł podlega dofinansowaniu, podwyższony standard
Sprawność cieplna [%]: 90,9
Powierzchnia ogrzewanego pomieszczenia [m2]: do 100
Pojemność wodna [l]: 40
Masa kotła [kg]: 205
Zużycie paliwa - max [kg/h]: 1,8
Ciąg kominowy [mbar]: 0,2
Znamionowa temperatura spalin [OC]: 115
Znamionowa ilość spalin [kg/s]: 0,0055
Minimalna temperatura spalin [OC]: 80
Minimalna ilość spalin [kg/s]: 0,002
Pojemność zasobnika paliwa [kg]: 45
Ciśnienie próby wody [bar]: 4
Ciśnienie robocze [bar]: 2
Max. temperatura robocza [OC]: 85
Min. temperatura powrotu [OC]: 55
Zakres regulacji temperatury [OC]: 50 - 80
Min. temperatura wody kotłowej [OC]: 10
Opory przepływu wody ΔT=20 [mbar]: 0,4
Opory przepływu wody ΔT=10 [mbar]: 1,6
Przekrój czopucha: okrągły
Średnica czopucha [mm]: 130
Średnica króćców wodnych: DN 25
Zasilanie elektryczne 230 V / 50 Hz [A/W]: 1,9 / 350
Pobór mocy elektrycznej (100% mocy) [W]: 350
Pobór mocy elektrycznej (30% mocy) [W]: 15
Pobór mocy elektrycznej (czuwanie) [W]: 3